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Lake Country business makes Dragons߲о Den pitch

Limitless Manufacturing߲оs owner asks for investment; segment to air Thursday, Nov. 25
Lake Country߲оs Chase Van Buuren does a demonstration about his company, Limitless Manufacturing, during a presentation on the smash CBC-TV show Dragons߲о Den. Van Buuren߲оs segment will air Thursday, Nov. 25. (Photo courtesy CBC/Dragons߲о Den)

We do know one of Chase Van Buuren߲оs two proposals on a recent trip east was accepted.

As for the other pitch, well, we have to wait until Nov. 25.

Lake Country߲оs Van Buuren, who owns and operates Limitless Manufacturing (), recently completed a taping of the popular CBC-TV show Dragons߲о Den, where entrepreneurs make pitches on their products or companies to a panel, looking for one or more of the ߲оDragons߲о to invest.

߲оI߲оve always wanted to give it a go and this year was my first crack at it,߲о said Van Buuren, 29, who applied online to appear on the Dragons߲о Den show.

He passed the first qualifying stage, then appeared on a Zoom meeting with producers. He did a live demo from his shop and that was good enough to earn him a spot on the show taped in Toronto.

Limitless Manufacturing is an Okanagan-based CNC custom manufacturer specializing in unique, one of a kind accessories for a client߲оs truck.

߲оThere is nothing else like our products out there, and we love to see our sleek sled decks, headache racks, and running boards around town,߲о said Van Buuren on his company߲оs website.

Due to obligations, Van Buuren is not allowed to say much about his appearance on the TV show until after it airs, which will be Thursday, Nov. 25.

߲оI can say we did some demos, including dropping a 2,000-pound block onto a truck, and we did get our company truck up to the 10th floor of the building where we did the taping,߲о said Van Buuren. ߲оI can say it all went well. It was a great experience. We߲оre a small business and this experience was very confidence-building. It was great to get out there and do it.߲о

Oh. That other proposal that was accepted?

Well, Van Buuren had company on his trip to Toronto for the taping ߲о his partner, Cassidy Lidstone of Vernon. The couple drove for three straight days and, unbeknownst to Lidstone, made a little side jaunt to one of the world߲оs most romantic cities, Niagara Falls.

That߲оs where Van Buuren popped the question.

߲оShe didn߲оt see it coming,߲о laughed Van Buuren. ߲оI told her, ߲оhow could you not see it coming? We߲оre in Niagara Falls.߲о発߲о

Lidstone happily said yes.


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Roger Knox

About the Author: Roger Knox

I am a journalist with more than 30 years of experience in the industry. I started my career in radio and have spent the last 21 years working with Black Press Media.
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