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PHOTOS: Overdoses, healthcare crises spur Victoria protests at premiers߲о meeting

Groups gathered outside the Fairmont Empress in side-by-side calls for action

Every single day Melanie Cunningham dreads she߲оll get a knock on the door or a phone call in the middle of the night with the news that her son has overdosed on fentanyl.

It߲оs why, as she fastened a sign to fencing outside Victoria߲оs Fairmont Empress hotel on Tuesday morning, the mother was joined by other members of Moms Stop the Harm.

߲оI know several moms who have lost their adult children because of fentanyl poisoning, and I could be next, and that makes me sad and angry,߲о Cunningham said. ߲о(My son is) an addict, he didn߲оt choose this life, however, it is his life until he gets the right kind of help.߲о

That help could be determined by Canada߲оs premiers who were inside the Empress for health-care-dominated Council of the Federation meetings.

߲оWe want to be out front and centre and let them know that we߲оre not going away, we want them to make changes,߲о Cunningham said. ߲оWe want all of Canada to take action.߲о

Knowing the next use could be the one that kills her son means the mother߲оs life is an endless nightmare, so she߲оs pleading for leaders to ensure access to the safe supply.



Cunningham߲оs son߲оs vicious cycle of being in and out of detox and treatment programs with no success doesn߲оt come as a surprise to Ben Goerner, a former counsellor of 30 years who worked in such programs.

߲оI can tell you that over half of the people that go for treatment the first time come out and relapse, and they߲оre going to relapse on a toxic substance,߲о he said. ߲оThat߲оs the problem, we need to get rid of the toxicity.߲о

So while treatment can be one tool in the life-saving arsenal, Goerner, another Moms Stop the Harm campaigner, showed up on Tuesday to ߲оget the government to provide a safer supply to stem the tide of death that߲оs happening.߲о

Even though holding 2.5 grams of street drugs will be decriminalized in B.C. next January, he wanted to keep pressure on the premiers and push for greater legal personal possession amounts.

Camille Currie, founder of B.C. Health Care Matters, led a separate group of sign-waving ralliers outside where the premiers were meeting.

߲оWe߲оre here today to make our message very clear, that every resident in B.C deserves timely access to a family doctor and we do not have that in this province,߲о she said, adding that four deaths a day could be linked back to the lacking primary care options.

The doctor shortage in communities across the province is exacerbating problems in the overall health-care system, she said, pointing to emergency room wait times, backlogged cancer and cardiac treatments and a lack of prenatal care.

߲оThis issue is dire, there is no other word for it, and we need action now.߲о


jake.romphf@blackpress.ca. Follow us on Instagram. Like us on and follow us on

About the Author: Jake Romphf

In early 2021, I made the move from the Great Lakes to Greater Victoria with the aim of experiencing more of the country I report on.
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